This is the closest I've ever come to live blogging. And it's appropriate on an occasion of new life coming into this world. This little fellow has a true team spirit, contrives to be born on Saturday (and a posting one at that) and is already posing for pictures without complaint. (Did you all figure out what this means by now? :-)
Phares Lee Martin
Named in honor of his maternal grandfather Phares Newswanger, whose 100th grandchild he is. Lee is Dad's middle name.
Named in honor of his maternal grandfather Phares Newswanger, whose 100th grandchild he is. Lee is Dad's middle name.
This photo has "stats" written all over it. Here we go:
Born: today at 8:57 p.m.
Weighed: 8 lbs. 7 oz. (in fact, still does)
Place in the Pecking Order: tenth of ten ;-)
The delivery went smoothly and Mom is doing fine. We are rejoicing in this blessing to our family. To God be the Glory.
P.S. Keep going for today's "real" post.
Born: today at 8:57 p.m.
Weighed: 8 lbs. 7 oz. (in fact, still does)
Place in the Pecking Order: tenth of ten ;-)
The delivery went smoothly and Mom is doing fine. We are rejoicing in this blessing to our family. To God be the Glory.
P.S. Keep going for today's "real" post.