Saturday, March 6, 2010

Hello Everyone,

This post is shorter than average. Time just got away from me this week. Last night I stayed up until midnight to... blog?? No. To read. Yes, the truth is coming out. You all just don't stand much chance in a fight against a gripping novel.

Really, though, I truly do appreciate all the visits you make here. Also, thank you for the many kind comments you often leave. If you ever have any suggestions or criticisms for me, please feel free to let me know. My goal is to make this blog fun to read, but that is secondary to the necessity that everything here glorify God.

In Loving Memory...

...of Mrs. Quillman. As of this morning, she is with her Savior.

She was a blessing to young and old alike.

I am sure the Gordner family would appreciate it if you keep them in your prayers.

Family Update

Charity has been learning all the various shades of baking recently.

Dad doesn't quite measure up anymore. ;-)

In character, it's Conrad who doesn't quite measure up. He's had this obsession with rubberbands lately, causing his sisters to serve him with fear and trembling. :)

An Evening at Dutch Lanes

I scratched my head over the "bowling socks" for a while. Then the voice of experience, i.e. Derrick, told me that they really aren't any different than any other socks. Whew that was close! Glad he was along and my wallet wasn't. ;-)

Lessons came first, even though this photo was taken at the end of the evening. What does that mean? It means we were still getting lessons at the end of the evening, of course.

Though not yet a graduate bowler...

...she does have her college degree in babysitting.

Conrad's ball-picking rationale: "Red is hot... Heat lessens friction... The less friction, the more speed... The faster my ball, the more pins go down... Ha!"

Ha yourself!

(Later he admitted that he's not certain that heat does lessen friction. That must have been the tragic flaw.)

I think bowling might be a game right down Clayton's alley.

"We're a family and we act like one." - quote from Dad recently

Somebody's winning; and somebody's not.

The question is... which is which?

Do we even need to ask?

Dad's score hangs in the balance. It was so quiet you could hear a pin drop.

What's this? I can't believe my dad is letting me eat french fries fried in oil.

Son, you stop eating all that cholesterol right now!

I told Conrad that I wasn't planning to post this because it would reflect more badly on my photography skills than on his bowling skills. Then I couldn't resist. :)

If you were close enough, you really would get a kick out of this guy's bowling technique.

A rare photo of me enjoying myself.
(Note, the photo's rare, not my enjoying myself.)

I'm not there to see, but I'm guessing this behavior is reminiscent of what goes on at the Denver Wholesale Food's office?

*whispers to bear in lobby* Brace yourself for some beary confidential information... We just got a load of honey in at Denver Wholesale.

"Hey, Daddy, this bear just told me that you got a truck load of honey in."

So much for "beary confidential."

There were so many cameras at Church one Sunday...

...that someone wondered if we were having a photographers' convention.

We were just doing a little shooting for the Church directory, however. Here's the wonderful Botsford family (wonderful because they look at this blog ;-).

You really think it was a coincidence??

(By the way, this was not for the directory.)

Red and black... How did he know?!

The one on the right - she has older sisters. She had the inside scoop.

When we got home, I decided to tackle a family photo. Thank God for remotes. The self-timer would never have sufficed for...

...such cooperative subjects as mine.

Q: What do the smile and the flowers have in common?

A: They are obviously both fake. (And they're both sort of sunny too, don't you think?)

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Hope all of you are enjoying this warm, sunny day.
God Bless.
