Saturday, October 2, 2010

Welcome back... the blog and to the USA.

That's right, we're home from Canada. We have been for a while, but - you know - it takes a while for the blog to catch up. Fortunately, our family has as many adventures at home as abroad. So whether it's our private adventures (did I say private?) or events that some of you participated in, sit back and enjoy the pictures.

Balloon Chasing

The evening this thing floated over the cornfield, we dropped everything (except I never would drop the camera) and gave chase.

When I said "we" I meant all of us.

I'd be wiry of landing such a place.

Then again, maybe it's no more dangerous than crossing 272 with ten children.

Farewell to Grace continued

Somehow, a few weeks ago when I posted pictures of my piano student Grace who just moved away, I forgot to post this photo of the quilt the girls at church made her.

Lapp Valley Farm Revisited

Ice cream with the Gordners.

Cone or bowl? Come on, make up you mind. We can't go back and forth forever. :-)

Imagine what we would look like if we ate at this place every day.

He eats here every day. (Not quite what you imagined is it?)

They also eat here every day. Take your pick.

Candace takes her pick.

As does Phares.

Mercy, accompanied by flip-flop 1 and flip-flop 2, heads toward the barnyard.

Mercy loses flip-flop 2 to the cowpen.

Will this trip become a tradition?

I hope so. :-)

Charity's Birthday

Faith, Hope, Charity, these three; but the greatest of these (for that day) was Charity.

I think it was a good birthday but a bad hair day. :-)

Now Charity likes punch. So we had punch. Candace settled for a watered-down version.

The evolution of Hawaiian Punch into water.

IFRC Church Picnic 2010

They told me it was football.

It looked more like a conspiracy to take out Mr. Raine.

*wipes forehead* I can't seem to get rid of this guy.


...he missed!

Will he miss too?

Hmm... Wonder why he wore his Phillies shirt?


(Whoops, I'm still thinking football.)

Isn't it odd that when you get out you have to go in?

(The way Clayton does it makes it even odder, I know.)

Mrs. Karlburg - outfield, in her element.

Kara and Carrots

My coverage would not be complete without these wonderful ladies and...

H2O - Hard 2 Omit

Folks start turning their backs on the picnic and...

...heading to their vehicles.

I hope he makes it home.

Mouse Tales

The "mice meister" is now catching them two at a time.

Which pleases Christian because his tail collection is growing.

It also pleases Dad because his tale collection was not growing but shrinking due to mice teeth.

The books are all in from the barn now, and The Old Squire's Farm tales take their place on Dad's new shelves.

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That's the end. Now get off the computer and go read a good book. :-)

God Bless.