Saturday, January 8, 2011

Hello Everyone,

I checked my traffic for today. I see some of you have already visited once. Maybe twice?

Thanks for your dedication. This blog is, after all, the Saturday Evening Post.

Have a blessed evening.

(Today's post is a two-pager by the way. Click "older posts.")

Love the Church Conference

Held at Ridgecrest Conference Center in NC.

I'd say they met their goal by hosting this conference.

Every time we headed to the dining hall, we met friendly staff faces.

Not sure what was "main" about this menu line. There were at least four of them.

Then to find a seat.

Closed eyes made that job easier.

Or else closed eyes was a fad I didn't catch on to.

But man shall not live by bread alone; rather by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

I am convinced that, through the means of faithful men, God's Word was preached that weekend.

Mr. Davis

Mr. Pollard

And our own Mr. Einwechter.

Great men of the past were present in spirit.

Despite the high concentration of God's Word, folks still seem to need their coffee.

Who knows? He probably needs his chocolate milk.

What can I say? We Martins need our orange juice.

Conrad needs his napkins. :-)
Back to the conference, which was nicely summarized by this tidy booklet.

Did I say tidy?

Mr. Davis tells the women not to be offended by the Bible's gender language in calling both men and women "sons of God." "After all," he said, "we men have to be the 'bride of Christ.'"

People working.

People playing.

People working and playing.

People selling.

People buying.

People selling and buying.

I was blessed to observe healthy father/daughter relationships.

Sibling relationships seemed to be flourishing too.

Of course he wasn't pulling her hair!
"When we preach a sermon that belittles sin, we belittle Christ." -Dan Horn


Rick Riggins

No, I don't know him, but name tags give a lot away.

As do purses.

Homemade name tag reads: I am BILL EINWECHTER'S son-in-law.

Trying to capitalize on the celebrity value of the Einwechter name, eh?

Oh yeah, it pays to be an Einwechter.

Love the Church, which means love the people in the Church, which means - I get to love these girls!

Me and my lens holder.

Emma was the only one with a bag big enough.

Trouble is her heart wasn't big enough.

(Just joking. Emma toted stuff for us all weekend.)

After conversation in the Vendor Hall and supper in the Dining Hall, we head back for more sermons in the Lecture Hall.

"God the Father has never thought of you apart from Christ or Christ apart from you." -Jeff Pollard

"The only thing we could motivate a holy God to do is to condemn us." -Paul Washer

I know why they have Mr. Washer speak last: there's no danger of people falling asleep. In fact, the danger is that people won't be able to sleep all night.
We did manage to sleep a little; in fact, a little too much. This was the morning that the alarm went off at 6:51, instead of 6:15 as I had planned. Mr. Raine thinks I have dyslexia.

But instead of having dyslexia, I had breakfast with my brother who used to have dyslexia.

As Mr. Bradrick was fond of saying, "Here is the Kendall family to serenade us."

Someone recognizes the seriousness of Biblical law.

Mr. Brown brings the conference to a close with an impromptu charge.

Even though you weren't there, you do have the opportunity, just as we did, to order the audio.

Stop what?

Stop walking on the grass?

It's got to be a sign from Heaven.

Finally, the conference over, we get to try out one of the grand pianos.

Someday, when Aaron is a world-famous pianist and Candace has forgotten that she took this photo, I will make a heap of money by its sale.

One of the highlights was singing with over a hundred fellow strangers (that's not an oxymoron) late into Saturday night.

"Brethren, we have met to worship..."