Saturday, February 7, 2009

Beef Stick Advertisement

Hello, Folks! I'm here to tell you about...

...Bridgeford Beef Sticks!

They're easy to work with...

...And, in leisure moments, they are just the thing to pop into your mouth.

You will find that they add a flavor of romance to even the dullest times.

These uplifting delicacies are made with top quality beef (no need to wonder "Where's the Beef?"), as well as being lowfat. At 120 calories, they pose no threats to your waistline!

So, I'm telling you, Folks, these Beautiful Extrordinary Elegant Fashionable Sticks are simply a MUST!

Available at Denver Wholesale Foods
(while supplies last)


Anonymous said...

Whoa, some advertisement! I might just have to go buy some! That was a well done Ad; great costumes and style!

Anonymous said...

LOL I love it! Very nicely done. The black and white photos and the costumes (for lack of a better word) really add to the whole feel of the ad. :-)

BTW, how much did you get paid for that? :-P

Monique E. said...

Loved it Carmen!
Perfect ad!

Carmen E. said...

Thanks, everyone. Isaac, unless you got your order in early the Monday morning after I posted, I'm afraid you missed out. All the beef sticks sold out that day!

Abigail, do you have to rub in my negligence to negotiate terms?! :-) I jestingly told Dad that, if any of my viewers bought beefsticks, I would expect a commission. As it turned out, I should have made the deal final before hand; after they were all sold, it was a little late.

Glad you enjoyed it, Monique!

~Rebecca~ said...

that is really neat, I love the photos and the 40's style. they both look sharp!