Saturday, January 8, 2011

Love the Church Conference

Held at Ridgecrest Conference Center in NC.

I'd say they met their goal by hosting this conference.

Every time we headed to the dining hall, we met friendly staff faces.

Not sure what was "main" about this menu line. There were at least four of them.

Then to find a seat.

Closed eyes made that job easier.

Or else closed eyes was a fad I didn't catch on to.

But man shall not live by bread alone; rather by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

I am convinced that, through the means of faithful men, God's Word was preached that weekend.

Mr. Davis

Mr. Pollard

And our own Mr. Einwechter.

Great men of the past were present in spirit.

Despite the high concentration of God's Word, folks still seem to need their coffee.

Who knows? He probably needs his chocolate milk.

What can I say? We Martins need our orange juice.

Conrad needs his napkins. :-)


Byron Hill said...

Looks like you guys had a great time. Thanks for coming!

Byron Hill
Executive Director
LifeWay Conference Centers & Camps

Abigail E. said...

Thank you. It's comforting to know that someone else needs napkins too. ;-)