Saturday, March 19, 2011

Homeschool Dress-up Week...

...planned by Faith, a gal of endless creativity. We here have a Western theme.

I would have been fine with sticking to that theme the entire week. What with all the "Yes Ma'am" business.

*raises gun* Teacher, I'll take a shot at that question.

Here we are on a different day, one that's not going well for Clayton: no costume, no smile, no luck with his math problem.

Come on, Clayton. You can figure it out. Use your head.

That was the day that Christian was Rex. Toystory quotes abounded.

The next day (represent-a-business day) Clayton brought his smart phone to class.

(I think it had a calculator.)

Among the celebrated and colorful characters I taught that week was Lou Gehrig.

And Caleb Holt.

When I mentioned "colorful characters," I was referring specifically to this high-minded Turk.

The sheikh's pencil holder.

Thank you, Faith, for arranging all the fun.

"Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world." - Albert Einstein

I don't think I can agree with Mr. Einstein, considering that without the knowledge of God we cannot be saved. However, viewed as a bit of hyperbole, the quote makes a point.

"...Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ..."

<><><> <><><> <><><>

God Bless.



Dad said...

Thanks Carmen. I enjoyed this rare glimpse of life at home while I am away at work. Looks like when the cat is away, the mice play. Keep up the good job schoolteacher!

Gloria Yoder said...

this homeschooling documentary brought numerous smiles to my face! :) good work as usual. --Gloria

sylvia said...

I love all the clever costumes! Hope all are well!