Saturday, June 12, 2010

Hello Everyone,

This post is representative of how difficult it has been lately for me to find time to take photos. One here, another there - that's basically it. And when it comes to events, I'm finding my hands are usually full.

So here's a little bit of this and a little bit of that. Enjoy.

Some Things I Did Recently

The potatoes I was peeling the other day were so covered with eyes that I got the feeling they could see more of me than I could of them.

Another thing I did recently was fire up this ancient little laptop. It had been a long time since it had been on.

When I shut it down, I realized just how long it had been.

And What Has Phares Been Doing Lately?

Being a much happier baby due to some chiropractor treatments.

He's also been learning to "stand up, stand up for Jesus."

He's not a very happy soldier of the cross yet.

Mervin's Treasures

He takes a nap with that stuffed dog every day, and, as soon as he wakes up, he wants his tape measure.

And the hat is often on his mind.

Breakfast Table Business and Politics

At breakfast one morning we had lemonade, but it wasn't just any lemonade. (And it wasn't the fact that is was all natural that made it special either.)

"Charity, the more we drink of this stuff, the richer you become."

Says who? Says the carton.
(Check out the words above the man's hat.)

Charity drinks to her own wealth.

At the other end of the table, conversation turns to politics, and a budding orator vents his disapproval of the US tax system.

Taxes are so high these days that the government thinks we're having big families just to get tax deductions. *rips off bib* I didn't come into this world just to be a tax deduction!

A Proverbs 31 Baby Shower

Mrs. Hoffman "openeth her mouth with wisdom" just like the Proverbs 31 woman she was sharing about.

The young women...

...being taught by the older woman. That's right: a biblical model for baby showers!

I'm pleased to announce that the prophecy on the baby sleeper has been fulfilled. As of last Saturday, Jon and Monique are the humble parents (I'd be the last person to accuse them of pride :) of a little girl.

I had the honor of being Monique's "secretary" for the evening.

Who gave the beautiful quilt? I say it must have been someone who seeketh thread and fabric and worketh willingly with her hands. ;-)

Aunt Becky seems to know just where she's needed.

There were many irresistible things on the menu that night, but, trust me, "the bread of idleness" was not among them.

Mrs. Clayton - busy knitting - is proof.

Ah, posing - such a rarity on this blog.

Out in the shadows, girls gather.

Girls scatter.

And that, in a nutshell, is the story of the evening. Women gathered and, eventually, they all scattered. But, in between, they fellowshipped together, blessed one another, and were a testimony to what God will do for those who trust in him. Much thanks to you, Karen and Abigail, for your skillful organization of the event.

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Hoping you'll have a blessed two weeks,
