Wednesday, October 1, 2008
Work As Well As Play
Processing Corn (Work)
(Don't even mention that we need a new silk-brush;
I have eyes- I can see.)
Definitely an unenthusiastic recruit!
(It's blurry, but what isn't at that time of morning?)
Conrad, rebelling against the situation.
Look at him: he's still in a state of denial.
Snack time! "Would you care for some Sara Lee
Cheesecake Bites?"
Candace, what are you back there smiling about? Don't you remember that that was about the third dessert we had that day in opposition to our one-dessert-per-day policy?!
"Sure, I'll have one and I won't even suffer from guilt like my sisters do."
Victorious huskers and brushers.
The pro at all things "corn."
Pennsylvania Dutch, I am sure.)
The corn actually fell into this pattern unaided when I was
getting it out of the boiling water.
Cream it...
...then bag it for the freezer.
Last, but certainly not least, comes eating fresh corn-on-the-cob!
We don't just eat it with the traditional butter and salt; we love it
best with - prepare to be shocked - mayonnaise! I don't doubt you are
horrified - most folks are. Apparently it is unheard of, as I have never met anyone besides relatives who do it. If you eat it this way or know of anyone who does, please let me know. I still haven't given up on finding somebody who sympathizes with our peculiar tastes.
Boating at Middlecreek (Play)
The Birthday boy.....
.....sets out on his first voyage.
Two very tame ducks were hounded by Charity and Faith and even given two
sets of names. Charity named them Andy and Angela, while Faith named them Theodore and Francis. (At the time I said "Remember those names until I ask you," and now a few weeks later they still do.)
Phantom Ducks - Candace gets the credit for this picture.
I like it well enough to wish I would:).
Self "feet"rait
(Anybody get it? I was afraid you wouldn't.)
Candace immortalized my legendary flip flops. I've had a pair of these exact flip flops ever since I can remember and, until recently, I would wear them year round. You can't beat them for comfort. If you need a pair, they sell them at Good's store (free advertisement for Good's store:).
Deserted footwear? Well, yes, though they weren't deserted in such
a picturesque position by the owner.