Wednesday, November 26, 2008
I really don't have many pictures this time ("You didn't last time either," you say. - Oh, be quiet, would you; I never promised long posts). I was scraping "the bottom of the folder" to come up with these. The problem isn't that nothing is happening in life - things seem to happen at a breathtaking rate these days. Either recent events have not been photogenic or I just have been too busy (or forgetful) to take a lot of pictures. Some of both is true.
We have the Jacksons over for Conrad's Birthday
Nobody other than Mr. Jackson would be able to keep a straight
face with such definitions as those were!
We go into convulsions over some people's outlandish ideas.
word osculate! Michael said that he always uses that word,
Conrad Doing "Girl's Work"
Pour in the batter...
...don't take your eyes off them for a second...
(Conrad they were delicious! Keep up the good work.)
The Girls Take Over the Kitchen
Take a look! When the boys are in the kitchen, this is what
we put up with.
"...A pause for rest, a rest for paws..."
~ from "Motto for a Dog" by Arthur Guiterman
The site of a major lasagna operation.
Outdoor Stuff
Conrad informed me: "Now there is real dish-washing!"
This copper kettle is Dad's latest acquisition. It is a prop for, what
could be entitled, his "Dreams for the Future." :-) (Someday he wants to cook our own pear butter just like Mom's family does. Check out this post.)
When Dad and I were in the hardware store getting the necessary supplies to scrub the kettle, the cashier commented, "It looks like you don't have a very fun job ahead of you today." Without remorse Dad replied, "Actually, my son is going to do it!"
Fall will soon be over everyone, but, if you didn't do it yet, there is still time to have one of those good old parties out in the leaves!
Have a great day and God Bless!