And that, dear reader, is an Einwechter family trip. Aren't they fun?! ;-) Thanks, Einwechters, for sharing it with me.
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Remember, Scripture is Sufficient. For what? For everything.
God Bless.
Great American artist Norman Rockwell once said, “I paint what everybody sees but nobody notices.” On this blog, my ambition is to capture, with photographs, what he did in his paintings: everyday life, its foibles, and its funny situations. Norman Rockwell illustrated the cover of the Saturday Evening Post (an actual magazine) for many years. Since I usually post every other Saturday, I thought the name very applicable. (See this post for more detail.)
I have been waiting patiently for this post all of my.... well day I guess :)... and I was once again highly entertained by the Saturday evening post! (Sometimes I wish it would be the Saturday morning post, so I wouldn't have to check all day... LOL)
The conference looked inspirational, the Creation museum looked intriguing (I really wanted to be able to read about Cain's wife.... )
Thank you again for the glimps into your ever interesting world
Mrs. Groff
Great post as always Carmen! One of these days I shall post on the trip but for now I can just be lazy and link to your post. :)
Oh, I'm sorry to let you down, Mrs. Groff. I had been hoping that if you would click on the "Cain's wife" sign and then zoom in by pushing "Ctrl" and "+" that the sign would be readable. I checked it though and only portions of it are readable that way. Tell you what, if I email you the original image, then maybe you could zoom in on it and read it. I'm afraid the answer to the question is sort of the obvious one though. :)
"The Saturday Morning Post"... Sounds like a lot of work to me. :-)
I am so glad you were able to go with us to the SoS conference! You were an excellent and fun traveling companion. :-)
You did a great job of covering the trip, thanks!
I have so many good memories from the trip, Karen.
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