Saturday, July 10, 2010

Introducing a Living Room Concert...

...featuring the Wintons, a bluegrass band...

...that blessed us with an evening of restful music.

No, we didn't all go to sleep.

"Wait a minute. You mean to tell me that Martin guitars are made around here?"

You could just see PA rising in their estimation.

Can you all see fine back there?

Too engrossed in the music, no one answers.

Well, they can't say I didn't try.

After the final round of applause... bluegrass band meets another. (The results didn't sound to bad either.)

Typical Bobby in the shadows shot.

(I posted this just for you, Bobby. :)

Clayton, thoroughly accustomed to the limelight, even while eating.

Some things are just so obvious from behind the lens, but, to Philip and Conrad, who is taller was up for debate. :-)

They drink to each other's growth.

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