Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We always dump the husks over the fence, and, if the cows are
nowhere in sight as is the case above, we call "Here Hommi, Hommi,
Hommi!" You are incredulous, right: "You say what?!" As far as the
origin of the call is concerned, all I can tell you is that Mom taught it
to us, and it is supposed to be Pennsylvania Dutch (unrecognizable
Pennsylvania Dutch, I am sure.)
It worked...about half an hour after we called them.

The corn actually fell into this pattern unaided when I was
getting it out of the boiling water.

Cream it...

...then bag it for the freezer.

Last, but certainly not least, comes eating fresh corn-on-the-cob!
We don't just eat it with the traditional butter and salt; we love it
best with - prepare to be shocked - mayonnaise! I don't doubt you are
horrified - most folks are. Apparently it is unheard of, as I have never met anyone besides relatives who do it. If you eat it this way or know of anyone who does, please let me know. I still haven't given up on finding somebody who sympathizes with our peculiar tastes.


Benjamin E. said...

The corn actually fell into this pattern unaided when I was
getting it out of the boiling water.

Come on, you're pulling our leg!

[shocked silence] I never even thought of such a thing. But now that I think about it, it almost makes sense. Butter is white and smooth, and so is mayonnaise... and ... uh... uh... (Hang on, I'm not sure where I was going with that line of thought, it doesn't make as much sense now as it did when I first thought of it.)

Anonymous said...

Ahh, freezing corn! What memories that brings to mind, and some not too distant ones either! You did a great chronicling the process, the flavor of home frozen corn can't be beat.