...not quite! Meet our soil inspector!
"This clod is a bit too large."
The big test.
"Hmm... I believe that the pH of your soil is too low. It's quite acidic."
Great American artist Norman Rockwell once said, “I paint what everybody sees but nobody notices.” On this blog, my ambition is to capture, with photographs, what he did in his paintings: everyday life, its foibles, and its funny situations. Norman Rockwell illustrated the cover of the Saturday Evening Post (an actual magazine) for many years. Since I usually post every other Saturday, I thought the name very applicable. (See this post for more detail.)
You have a very good eye Candace! Wheat Art is very well done, I really like the framing and DOF, I assume you were zoomed in all the way?
Thanks for the compliment. Actually, I used macro, which is the only way to get any DOF on our camera. I guess I won't mention Carmen's editing, especially on the lighting. ;-)
Like I told you, Candace, it was a good picture to begin with and it gave me a lot to work with (and have fun with).
Yes, about the DOF. You ought to see the many strange situations we use macro in, just trying to get a blurry background. ;-)
Mervin and Mercy are just adorable!!!
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