Saturday, October 17, 2009

Saturday Morning - the weekend starts for real!

Grandpa feeds his mind while... for his stomach is being prepared.
Too bad the stomach can't hold as much as the mind - that was a fantastic breakfast, Sylvia!

We be off to see the bees.

(Dad announced that he would be interested in going to visit the local bees and would also be willing to take any passengers. Well, the amount of Martins who be interested in bees turned out to be more than we would be able to fit in our van. Therefore, it became necessary, since every last Martin be interested in bees, to take all the vehicles that be around.)

After driving through bee crossing...

...we all swarm around to see a bee swarm.

Gloria, very skeptical that bee stings can cure warts.

55,000 miles of flight be represented by that jar.

Our guide told us that they have never quite figured out why honey gets put in bears: "Around here, we don't like bears very much!"

Tasting Time

Hmm... it tastes like...

Ahh... honeysuckle!!

We smiled when we arrived; they smiled when we left.

Our taking some of their honey sticks with us probably added to their joy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oooo I love honeysticks.... I've never seen so many different flavors! Excellant in hot tea!
~Mrs. Groff~