Tuesday, August 26, 2008
This post features some everyday, though not necessarily normal, events in our family. I suppose every family has its quirks and odd things it does. Probably, most of you don't have siblings that feel at home in a dumpster. I, personally, do not find it my favorite environment, but, on the particular evening that I will be covering, I subjected myself to a close brush with it in order to get some photos. A little background information to help you understand the circumstances might be in order. In our back yard, there is a dumpster that the folks who rent our barn dump trash in. This is the scene of the next few pictures. The rest of the pictures are from another evening in which my youngest sister was reading the newspaper. Once again, that is probably something that your little sister does not do as a rule. To tell the truth, Mercy does not make a regular habit of it either, which is why I got my camera out when I saw her doing it.
Templeton, his Relatives, and their Native Environment
Looks as if the scroungers have reinforcements
on the way.
More packrats!
Candace and Conrad are "friendly" rivals in a competition
to see who can collect the most soda cans for recycling.
On this particular evening, Candace has the initial victory.
To Candace's great chagrin, Conrad soon follows it
up by finding a can of his own.
these pictures were staged. Notice Candace's
Unfortunately, the peace is only temporary and,
when another can is spotted, a frantic skirmish breaks out.
Though appearances may be deceiving (especially
as I told you that some of the animosity was staged),
these two really are best of friends!
Mercy, the Newspaper, and the Camera
Mercy receives a lecture from the other camera owner in our
house, whose camera case has also been tampered with.
Can't you just see that "NO!" formed expressively on Candace's lips?
Mercy receives lessons on the proper (meaning "supervised")
use of that revered instrument, the camera.
Mercy's 1st photo!
The above photo just makes me feel good.
Doesn't she look so happy?
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Welcome to my first official photo post.
This post contains photos from our recent three-day trip to the Cass Scenic Railroad in West Virginia. We made some other stops along the way including beautiful Luray Caverns in Virginia and the National Radio Telescope Observatory. All around we had three days of great family time, though traveling with a family has its trials as well. On the drive through the windy West Virginian hills, several people became severely car-sick.
Enjoy the pictures!
Day 1 - A picnic and Luray Caverns
"The little boys."
Day 2 - Our ride on the Cass Scenic Railroad
a train. Whenever we came to a turn, automatically
heads and cameras would start popping out the windows.
Doing what I love best!
A stop to take on water.
This is how we make men out of the boys in our
family! (Somehow, I feel a need to state
that the train was not moving at the time this photo was taken.)
Day 3 - Visiting the Green Bank Telescope and coming home
showed us. -- And that is all the photos
I have from the telescope. Because
even digital cameras could cause
interference with the telescope's
reception of radio waves coming from
outer space, we were required to turn
off all electronics when we were close to the
Farwell from everyone but me...
...well from me too!